One way to get good discounts from most car insurance company is to sign up for their car tracking program, the same goes if you’re on Progressive. While there are good promises on Progressive snapshot, there are chances you could fall off the rules, as a result get a poor score.

However, in this post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about how To get an A on Progressive Snapshot.

What does A on progressive snapshot mean?

“A” on progressive snapshot, is the first level of the program, which comes with the high discount rate of 16% – 30% savings. You’ll find yourself on this level when you newly join the program. However, as time goes on, you’re likely to fall to level B or C.

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Just as the likes of several insurance companies, Progressive does run a car insurance tracking program, called the Progressive snapshot.

These programs are usually targeted to provide a personalized experience of auto insurance policy for customers, contrary to the old ways where people are given generic auto policy.

But how?

Well, they do this by installing a car tracking device on your car or a mobile app device, which takes track of your driving behavior.

In the case of progressive snapshot, you’re given a mobile app by default. However, you also have the option to use car tracker. The same goes for drive safe and save and drive easy.

Traditionally, the better your driving behavior is, the better it is for you. However, it isn’t just that straightforward. There are several things, beyond the norm, progressive snapshot look at.

Coming to the question…

On progressive snapshot, there are 3 discount levels based on your driving habits, that are used to score you. They include the level A, B, C.

The A, B, and C simply basic terms on Progressive Snapshot that are used to describe your driving performance, based on the company’s standard.

A is the first level, with the highest potential discount percentage of 16% – 30% savings. This is the first stage you get started with when you join the program. However, you’re most likely to fall off to B or C as time goes on.

So, you know, the B rating on progressive Snapshot is a discount level on the program that has a potential discount percentage of 1% – 15% savings.

On the other hand, we have the C rating. While this level have a zero potential impact on your auto policy, it has the tendency to increase your insurance rate if it goes below.

Keeping an A on progressive snapshot could be quite difficult. It goes even worst when you’ve fallen out. However, it is possible to get an A. Read on to find out how.

How to get an A on progressive snapshot

Want to get an a on Progressive Snapshot? Here are what you can do:

  • Use a plug-in version of the Car track
  • Reduce hard brakes and accelerations
  • Avoid late night driving
  • Drive less overall
  • Stay off your phone

Use a plug-in version of the Car track

If you plan on getting an A on progressive snapshot, your first step should be to allow for the digging up for the most accurate data of your driving behavior.

On default, when you get into the progressive snapshot program, you’re given the mobile app, which almost works seamlessly.

While the company make claims of how good it is. It’s not 100% accurate. In fact, sometime, the mobile app finds it hard to detect whether you’re a passenger or a driver.

Also, we’ve seen cases where the car tracker on the mobile phone leaves tracking the car you registered the insurance to track a secondary ride, like a motorcycle, or bicycle.

At this point, the best option is to get a plug in version of the program. Thankfully, the progressive snapshot has that alternative. However, it’s only applicable to cars from 1996.

Without much ado, below is how to get the plug in device from progressive snapshot.

  1. Contact Progressive customer agent via  online, physical address, or over the phone
  2. Get registered to the program and request for the plug in device
  3. Provide your email address
  4. Accept the terms and conditions]
  5. Plug in device to your car after getting it, for a period of 45 days after.

Reduce hard brakes and accelerations

Hard brakes and quick acceleration are always a sign of a bad driver. The latter is even worse, as it an action that is usually used to deviate an accident.

Obviously, this is a red flag for Progressive, and they could end up drastically dropping your discount level down from A when there are too many of these.

The progressive snapshot program is only meant to give discounts to careful drivers, who drive comfortably.

In other words, drift-ly, using hard brakes, and accelerating quickly would only lower your snap score.

Avoid late night driving

While night driving is not directly a trait of a bad driver, however, the company takes a look at it.

According to Progressive, to make a good score while on the snapshot program, limit trips between 12-4 a.m. on weekends, as the roads can be more dangerous then. This is essential if you’re in search of how to get an a on progressive snaphot.

Drive less overall

It’s worth mentioning that the progressive snapshot program is targeted to help discount drivers who don’t regularly get into an accident, to avoid them spending more than they deserve.

It is a simple calculation to know that the more you drive, the more you’re prone to accidents. Unfortunately, progressive snapshots take a look at this.

This is important to note, especially if you do taxi or ride Uber.

If you want to get an A on progressive snapshot, then you should try as much possible to reduce how long you drive per day, for the period of the program.

Stay off your phone

Using a phone while driving is a sign of distracted driving.

How To Get an A on Progressive Snapshot - Solved
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Progressive puts this into consideration on their journey (progressive snapshot) of finding safe drivers. If you’re a phone dude, or you do call while driving, you might want to put it for the sake of the car insurance tracker on your mobile.

Final Thoughts

Progressive snapshot wants to get the best of drivers to qualify for the 30% potential discounts. For this reason, it goes to check a lot of things concerning your driving habits which may include how you drift, use brakes, night drive, your driving duration, etc.

This is worth taking a look at if you want to get an A on progressive.

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A lover of advance technology and a skillful driver, Ebubechukwu is the owner of Tekitora. He has been in the car rental industry since 2018, with experience in 3 different car rental companies which include Enterprise, Budget and Turo.